The Piano
On the eve of I had a dream that's funny color, which happens very rarely, maybe because I'm colorblind. Contact information is here: Sela Ward. Two Chinese, two in beautiful unshaven bright red satin robe with long sleeves down to the ground, as if my name for themselves. And the language that they speak not like Chinese, and they laugh once ingratiating unkind, I'm on the road behind them, the road ends and limited by water obstacle insurmountable … That's either here materialistom.Den first (April 21). Dear piano … and very good in terms of operation, its enchanting sound "Petrof", all kind tacitly asked 'Warum?' And there was the moment the answer to this "wet-issue" is not the tool, and some, if you like music and animated creatures. Scenes from the famous film "The Piano", is so full of human feelings, completely different – beautiful, sublime, scary, low-lying, banal, silly, strong, simple and intricate, flashed in my mind, a silent piano music, drowned, turned to me as the master (oops, even the most immodest seems rather no one artisan, learn a few simple and well-known methods) for setting up and repairing musical instruments. At that point, I just was not the right to refuse service to resuscitation tool, but clearly warned the owner that she was praying, because the operation's success depended not on how my professional skills, and the degree of damage resulting from the "water-soaking" part piano. It should be noted that previously I had not, in my practice to deal with this situation.