Vacation in France

Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Environmental Protection Agency

All mining activities create considerable waste, including acid runoff and chemical byproducts of refining. Coal mines are particularly prone to acid runoff. When large amounts of rainwater enters functioning or abandoned mines, the water becomes acidic and contaminated with heavy metals. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 40 percent of U.S. western watershed have been […]


1. Introduction of the Tourism the tourism is conditional to the hospitality, events, entertainments and to a series of on benefits to the service sector. It is an exchange of information and knowledge and if to observe, the economic and cultural phenomenon is very ample in this segment if compared with other activities. Potter Stewart […]

Global Heating

Global heating must intensify hurricanes and storms. Efeitosdas climatic changes caused by the global heating are diverse etm potential to cause serious impacts in the terrestrial life. In accordance with a specialist of the National Center of InvestigaoAtmosfrica of U.S.A., the global heating will increase the intensity dosfuraces and the preciptao of rains in the […]

Urban Cleanness

The final destination, will be the sales of the collected reciclvel garbage in the selective collection, collecting mount of money to contribute with the reduction of the costs of maintenance of the building and conservation and cleanness. As proposal, we suggest the company TRANSFORMING – Cooperative of Transforming Ambient as purchaser and recolhedora of the […]

Land Factors

The material and human damages caused by natural phenomena if intensify. The causes beside the point are known: geometric increase of the population, disordered occupation, intense process of urbanization and industrialization, indifference of public authorities. In the urban areas, among the main factors that potencializam these disasters, they are distinguished it ground waterproofing, the adensamento […]

Louise Brown

5.197/67), that it established the protection to the wild fauna. 8 LIFE HUMAN BEING In 1978, with the birth, in England, of Louise Brown the first generated baby in vitro, the procedures of reproduction medically attended had started to have notoriety. In 1987 the Church catholic established its position on the subject, through the publication; […]

Bigger Field Spaces

The ambient question currently has assumed importance, as much in and the work backwards an ample and clear boarding on magnifying and recovery of the green areas and the necessity to preserve it sensible knot to make an indispensable rescue of the public green areas and its functions of the modern city, with the objective […]


For: Gabriela Costa and Sherlen Oliveira (authors of the article) SUMMARY In this work revealed a sustainable form of if using organic material remaining portions (rinds of fruits, vegetables and vegetables). This reutilizao was made through a biodigestor, getting as resulted biogs that it can be used as combustible for engines of internal combustion, in […]