If the Kirov is mass construction, for example, social housing with a mortgage, then there may be some reduction and retention rates. And in the construction of one or two houses to pull a low cost extremely difficult. " Now let us turn to the builders … The head of the Department of Civil Engineering […]
To buy an apartment, using borrowed funds does not necessarily apply to the bank. If you have 25% down payment to buy housing in installments at cost and not pay any interest. It is this solution offers a housing program "Housing step." The idea of the program "Housing Step" is based on two sources of […]
Calculation. Calculator will tell you the monthly repayment amount and the total amount you pay for entire loan period. Accordingly, you will learn and the amount of overpayment on the loan option that. Some calculators can show you not only the above parameters, but also the total amount of taxes, royalties for insurance and the […]