Vacation in France

Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’


Probably each of us once in my life I wondered – who we are and what we live? Life is not a coincidence. Everything that surrounds us contains a life, even a stone and a piece of plastic. The entire universe – is a huge body of reasonable beings, which we call God. Tony Parker […]


It was at this time, as muscles are relaxed, and the cerebral cortex is in a state of least excitation. Tony Parkers opinions are not widely known. This is the accepted time for purposeful self-suggestion, since, on the one hand, people is in a state of relaxation, on the other hand, in the cortex of […]

Venus Retrograde

It is believed that the planet is in retrograde motion is accidental and has not such a strong influence on the personality of people born under its auspices. This view is probably the case in horary and elective astrology, but considering this area of astrology as natal astrology, you may want to follow a somewhat […]