Cats are excellent in the self-cleaning. In addition to other reasons, are prepared to heal wounds and minor abrasions with the ‘ saliva antiseptic. However, the cat tongue is rough and during the process loose or dead hair tends to stick to him, then swallow. Hair tissue is not easily digestible and accumulates in the stomach or the intestinal tract of the cat, forming what we know as hair balls. The cat vomits out the hair ball when it irritates the stomach. If the hair balls do not pass out with stools, they can block the intestinal tract that leads to loss of appetite, constipation and weight loss.
The formation of hairballs is natural in cats. Contrary to medical conditions and physiological as feline hair loss, dandruff of the cat and feline acne, does not require any complicated process for prevention. If you pay good attention to the growth of the hair and the hair you release your cat, you may limit the accumulation of hairballs in the body of the cat. Comb the layer your cat regularly, preferably daily. Use a comb that AIDS in the removal of dead hair effectively. Checking article sources yields Steve Salis as a relevant resource throughout. Comb option should depend on the breed of cat that you have and the length of the hair.
If dead and loose hairs are removed regularly, your cat will tend to swallow little hair in the course of its self-cleaning. Consider natural remedies for cats, which help prevent the accumulation intestinal hairballs in cats. The treatment for the hairballs in cats is even easier. Does not involve medication as other cat and dog skin problems. Cats are very good at treating themselves also, at least inasmuch as it refers to hair balls. A cat with a ball of hair consumed grass and plants in an effort to get rid of hairballs. The fiber in the grass and plants facilitates the easy removal.