Entra School
You do not sleep equal and your schedule this supraditado to the one of the needs of your little boy. For that reason each weekly capsule (Training) you birnda the opportunity to stimulate the intelligence of your small one, although you do not have time to read a manual of 1000 pages. The exercises are simple to realise until by an inexperienced father. It is going to you to cost very little and work . (sides as your baby enjoys these exercises).
At some time, all father watches for back and he is asked if he did everything what could with the education of its son. Really serious one pain that when watching back you thought that you did not take advantage of the first twelve months the life of your son. In this sense the opportunity is unique that you have now thanks to the new technologies to be in constant contact with the enemy with specialists in these subjects. In opposition to which many people think, to stimulate the intelligence of your baby is mainly a love exercise. Sides to grow the bows with your children and always you would remember with yearning the moments that you happened stimulating intelligence of your baby. He is interesting to notice, that the affective bows that it establishes the boy with their mother and father lasted all the life and this is the brilliant thing of the training that we propose to you. The emotional intelligence of the small one would hold fast. This intelligence is essential in the competitive world that has been called on to us to live.
You must include/understand that your son is a genius.In grenade there are many olive trees. This tree is very peculiar. To the product of its fruit (Olive oil) the green gold is called to him. So that it is unique east tree? A reason is that it lives hundreds and up to thousands of years. Besides feeding generations of people, also it has extraordinary curative qualities. Many people have enjoyed the good who did those that planted these wonderful trees. You imagine to a proprietor of similar wealth, neglecting to its trees. They are a invaluable treasure? In the same way your son is a genius in power, if it aid to harness all qualities, will be able to help many people to live a life better. Or that dedicates to the medicine that is fireman. It is your responsibility to water to the small tree that you have to your care. Perhaps he does not live hundreds on years, but he can be that the fruits of your work as father benefits to many future generations. The olive tree is an extraordinary tree but your son is a miracle of the creation, cuidalo like so.