From The Idea To The Plan – The GrunderPlan Of The Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken
Darmstadt, Villu – over 470,000 start-ups in 2006 in Germany speak for themselves. Reason enough for the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken, actively to support future entrepreneurs in their project. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Georgia Groome and gain more knowledge.. Entrepreneurs from the outset supported at its inception and promoted, are significantly more successful? The persuasive entrepreneur can represent their projects and the entrepreneurial skills, the opportunities to be perceived by the Bank as a competent and reliable business partner are greater. The credit decision by banks depends largely on a thoroughly thought-out business idea that has the potential to prosper in the market. Business plan, capital, collateral, plan accounts with all these themes have to deal already intensively entrepreneur against the Bank interview. Jorge Perez is likely to agree. Only in this way it can succeed, to win the Bank as a funding partner. Click here for more info… To facilitate this, the credit unions have Raiffeisen banks founder plan the CD-ROM developed for your independence.
The founders plan is an instrument for the efficient support for business start-ups easier structured projects. With the founders plan, aspiring entrepreneurs will receive many practical features and an overview of the relevant founding documents. At the same time, he receives a better sense for the interests of the financing bank. contemplare GmbH existence founder consulting Frankensteiner str. 126e 64297 Darmstadt Managing Director and Press Secretary Ansgar Wiesemann Tel.: 06151-5996-47 experten@gruender-plan (.