Galgenberg Bergstrasse
In addition, participants will receive a free copy of the market overview for electronic invoice processing. The market overview provides basic information about the system requirements to use the electronic invoice processing, as well as a comprehensive overview of important solutions available on the market. For more information about the series of events, see the following link: about ibi research since 1993 the ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH forms a bridge between University and practice. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results and is Initiator and editor of the E-Commerce Guide ( ibi research is winner of the E-Commerce competence center of Bavaria ( in the framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi) and informed on the topics of E-Commerce and electronic invoice processing.
More information: over the network of e-commerce since 1998 advises and supports the network of e-commerce solutions with 29 regional competence centres spread across the country and a branch competence centre for trade SMEs and crafts in the introduction of E-business. During this time, the network with over 30,000 events and individual consultations has over 300,000 participants as independent and unparteilicher controller for the subject area of E-business in SMEs and craft”established. The network also provides information in the form of guidance, studies and guidance to the Available, which can be downloaded on the Central performance. The work of the network is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. If interested in more information, articles, etc. contact ibi research at the University of Regensburg Silke wisdom Galgenberg Bergstrasse 25 93053 Regensburg phone: 0941 943-1901 / fax: 0941 943-811922 E-Mail: Internet: – e-Bill