Gesman Secures Certification
Gesman secures certification to engage with the organisms public After a long effort, the reward always arrives, and we have secured the classification to serve within the Integral Maintenance of buildings, Group Or, Sub-group 1, Category B. The new economic circumstances, make abrir to all the possibilities of business within the field of the services and the maintenance us. We hope that with effort, work and tenacity we pruned to continue advancing this wonderful world of the service and the infrastructure conservation, buildings and facilities. We are a group of company formed by a multidisciplinary equipment, specialized in electrical systems, air conditioning, telecommunication and offices several, that to them an integral service of maintenance to clients lends. Our group of companies is formed by: GEINSUR: Quartering company with more than 10 of years of antiquity, and with a solidad experience and technical knowledge of the sector. GESMANSOLUCIONES: Company integral maintenance and services, specialized in serving of maintenance and conservation for companies. INFOCOMA: Company specialistic in special facilities, data, public address system, cctv, etc. Source: Note of Press sent by superjander..