King Ludwig
The Chateau of Versailles was a simple country house, built by King Ludwig the XIII. Later, King Ludwig XIV commissioned his architect to rebuild this House in an unprecedented Castle. So hinterlie? He is a wonderful legacy, such as the big? en Hall of mirrors, the Chapel, the Opera which rooms, King rooms, as well as the Chamber of the Queen, who still get is war and peace as Maria Antonieta she left leaving Versailles in 1789. But not only the Interior of the castle is stunning because even the gardens with a perfect symmetry, different species of flowers, lakes and fountains, far and wide are a real gem. Le Mont Saint Michel Mont-Saint-Michel is one of the most visited attractions in France, equal Dame and the Sacre followed by the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Coeur.
The Mont Saint Michel was appointed in 1979 to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. It is a rocky island with the continent by means of a street? is connected and where Romanesque and Gothic elements are located. This goes to the 7.Jahrhundert back, Michael Bishop Albert of Avranches, who founded an oratory, appeared as the Archangel. This Abbey has become one of the most important pilgrimage cakes in France. If you become the strA? go and have spectacular views across the island, particularly when the tide is the sides of the mountain turn into giant Lakes of mud and quicksand. This makes it a unique and magical place.
If you are in the Citadel, you are entering another era thanks to the labyrinthine Street? s, which are still preserved, as they were decades ago. After a walk through one of the two most beautiful enclaves of Paris au? enbezirke, would surely relax and rest. And where can you make the best this, as in an apartment in Paris. They rent an apartment and genius? en all the amenities and comforts that are offered. Translated from the Spanish by Christina Gersberg.