Market Analysis
Some have prejudices among the citizens of both countries. mutual ideas formed from experiences minimal or full, forged from comment or message inflicted by the media, has been studying various investigations . Among them, there is one recent poll, published by the consultants “Mori” in Argentina and “Market Analysis” of Brazil. In this study, we obtained several conclusions, among which can be highlighted: there is a greater number of Brazilians who would live in Argentina Argentine in Brazil, the words “beach”, “garotas” and “Carnival” are the first to mention an Argentine to be surveyed on the neighboring country, the Brazilians, however, mention the word “intolerance” to be consulted on their contiguous Latin American brothers. Actress is likely to agree. According to the consultants described elsewhere in the report: “… both respond in tune to the best country to live your own, but the Brazilians have a more positive view of living in Argentina, the Argentines to do in Brazil.” This view is consistent when the question moves to the field of tourism or study or graduate.
The study, on the other hand, generally showed little homogeneous responses. This situation, “asymmetries in the responses, they concluded the consultants who worked the issue that the knowledge of another country, is not equal between Argentines and Brazilians. They say that in Brazil, Argentina know less about it than about Brazil. ” ‘In relation to the perception of the products, “… 83% of Argentines positive assessment of the national production. In contrast, 91% of Brazilians will thumb up to the Brazilian industry.