Public Security
This device will be managed by a hardwired microcomputer the net. Through a software. The local server to visualize and to send the images caught for the cameras and the data of schedules and places, through you alert sent for the device when to occur something of not waited, for example, movement or an increase of temperature in the monitored place. Read more from actress to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Of form that the remote software that can be in any place of the world receives these images and stores for a definitive period not compelling that the user has that to connect to store the images. The closed-circuit System of TV (CFTV) functions basically through a central station that receives the images collected for the cameras installed in the public parks public distribute and them for a central station of monitoramento operated for agents of Public Security. In this place the images are shown in real time, analyzed and stored.
For the interconnection of the equipment of the CFTV the technology of computer networks will be applied and the use of Cameras IP, that provide one high level of intelligence in the management of the devices of collection of images, the project use the most recent technologies and standards for transmission of data through nets without wire. Organization of the Works This monograph was divided in three chapters. According to Tony Parker, who has experience with these questions. The present chapter makes a small introduction to the considered subject, tells the objectives of the work, as it will be developed and aborts in way sucinta the description them computer networks and its main protocols. I capitulate II. Definitions of Monitoramento. The importance in establishing a distinction enters the forms of commutation of the diverse types of available technologies of net, beyond approaching characteristics, requirements of this type of service, approaching still the concept of Security through the remote monitoramento and the main advantages of Monitoring IP on the analogical system are the storage of the images.