The Use
We must have planned in which sectors want to work or we can work to schedule a tour of distribution of resumes. Easier and more quickly is to use the internet to find a job; so we will save time, money and effort in the calls. You can also go to different pages of anunciosclasificados online in which the companies publish their job offers, so that you can answer each offer almost out of the box. Use sites that have heavy traffic. I.e. the employment websites that have more success.
If you know a specific website for employment for the profile you are looking for then you will have to enter it. The use of keywords (search online) is fundamental since the results will always be more relevant. There are several job seekers but also by entering specific words in the best-known general search engines, it can provide a comprehensive listing of offers. It examines offers of employment that are not very recent. If your profile is very specific can there any published offer time, just over one month ago, and follow without cover.
You must also take into account the webs of recruiting companies, especially if they are specialized in your profile or even not your profile, you can indicate a growth of the company. What I recommend in this case is to contact the consultant who selected this type of profiles and arrange an interview so that you will know. So can you put as a candidate in offers even before publishing them on the portal. When you show persistence to get a job you can get better assessment by who is in charge of human resources. Do not send the CV indiscriminately. It is very easy to give to the mouse and answer to an offer. Do it only if you fit well in the post, so you will have more opportunities to not fall into oblivion.