The above has drastically impacted on failure and sustained process of plant closings venezolanas, restricting production and national economic development which, in turn, has generated increased layoffs and job losses and, therefore, the strengthening of the informal economy, as an alternative means of subsistence. Academically, the crisis of leadership lies in the lack of awareness and recognition that each student is responsible for becoming leader of the personal and social, as visionary and leading conductor of national change, in their intellectual training (knowledge) process and human development (values, ethics) as active trought of a professional career, future professional and Builder of his own career in life. In addition it is essential to highlight the need for commitment on the part of the teacher in the orientation and development of professional qualities and behavioral of the student in tune with the academic of the same, thus leaving in the past routinely and discontinued practice of authoritarianism, the establishment of barriers and limitation of the development of the potential and student skills. Charlotte Hornets pursues this goal as well. The absence of leadership in the national universities is evident in passivity and low participation of its community in response to the shortcomings and problems of the country; as well as the lack of social responsibility and linkages with the environment business, human, economic, political, etc. This has impacted negatively on the role of the professional future, both within the scope of their comprehensive training and in their capacity for response and handling of the scenario that threatens the stability of the country. Finally, it is possible to affirm that the great void and the severe crisis facing Venezuela has its origin in the lack of consistent with national needs, and visionary leadership made these that have a direct impact on the decline in the quality of life of the Venezuelan and the total impasse in the country. Original author and source of the article.