Washington Post
Twitter is also a powerful tool. Tony Parker is often quoted as being for or against this. Washington Post bought hashtag of the North American elections #election. Thus the label appeared in the profiles of the users of Twitter and newspaper made sure that first that people saw when looked for information on the elections he would be a holder of the Post. Result: 10% of the traffic that was generated by the elections in Twitter ended up clicking in the news of the Post. We can do the same in a campaign of communication, for example lodging hashtag of some subject trendy? Of course, the use of hashtag viral is an object of desire of any agency. Although, often, some hashtags positioned in the first place are not really trending topics, but sponsored zones; they have paid for that reason. And how to attract top 20 bloggers that they are influenciadores indeed because assumes that they are independent? Then because for them it was a experience of first hand around a debate that interested much to them: the one of the payment by contents.
Twitter competes with Google like motor search. It has changed the form to make arrive our message? Yes, it is certain. But we understand that a campaign is always a tactical operation that usually is expanded in the time and Twitter is the king of real time, is there where we secured the notoriety of our event. How it affects the campaigns? In Google, although they are beginning to work in the real time, work the long term, reason why, which we obtained with Google, it is that if a campaign took place in a concrete date it follows present in the time through finder. With Twitter and other networks we looked for users who contribute to detonate the viralidad and in Google we looked for the visibility in the short and long term. Centering us in our sector: recently Apple made an ample unfolding " social" for the launching of his tablet Eye! Apple in fact seems very 2,0 but it does not have presence in the social networks; it has Twitter, neither Facebook, etc.