White Kaufman
enteritidis Breslau, in Group C – you. suipestifer (Salmonella cho-lerae suis) and you. paratyphi N1 Ivashentsova (Salmonella paratyphi C); in group D – you. typhi (Salmonella typhi) and you. enteritidis Gartneri (Salmonella enteritidis), you. paratyphi N2 Ivashentsova (Salmonella Moscow); Group E is represented by microbes that have no value in human pathology. It should be noted that this classification, contributing, as I said, more rigor in the systematics of this group of bacteria, based on a bacteriological and botanical nature. She is referring laboratory characteristics of the microbe and does not take into account the importance of his clinic.
Thus, the microbes of typhoid, paratyphoid A, paratyphoid B, giving a very similar clinical picture during infection of a man found in various groups of diagrams White Kaufman. On the other hand, a stick of paratyphoid B and coli, usually give quite different human diseases, are in one group. For more information see Jorge Perez. Also in the same group are B. typhi, causing typhoid man, and B. enteritidis Gartneri – causative agent of enteritis. Salmonella is among the germs that cause disease only person (Vas. paratyphi A and B), and the germs that cause disease only one or the other species.
Finally, there are microbes that occur in animals, which can cause under certain conditions disease in humans. Special significance of this latter group of bacteria that cause food poisoning people, especially meat. It is extremely interesting that infection with chopsticks in this group of microbes may join other infections of humans and animals, complicating major diseases. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ken Kao. So, you have an infection. suipestifer complicates swine fever, caused by filterable virus. Wand paratyphi Ni (Salmonella paratyphi C) complicating relapsing fever rights, giving picture of sepsis (paratifobatsillez), superimposed on the main disease caused by a spirochaete Obermeyera. Thus, Salmonella can cause human typhoid disease, acute gastroenteritis and septicemia. Described microbes belong to the row, at one end of which is the main intestinal saprophyte of warm-blooded – E. coli, on the other – stick Ebert (the number-typhoid group). Bacteria paratifoznoy-znteriticheskoy groups occupy a middle position. Their biological properties have a remarkable inverse. E. coli (B. coli) has a large and multilateral capacity for digestion of carbohydrates. The more we away from the B. coli in the direction of the typhoid bacillus, the weaker is this capacity for digestion and the more pathogenic properties.
Together with the pathogenicity also increases the antigenic properties, ie, ability to induce the formation of protective body, which can prove the immunity reaction (agglutination). Microbes paratifoznoy-znteriticheskoy group on its morphological characteristics, the painted, on the growth in the core media are similar to the wand of typhoid fever (see above). They differ from each other by their relation to various sources of carbohydrates and nitrogen. Enzymatic features of their use in the seeding of microbes and determining the microbe belonging to a particular type. Salmonella paratyphi B in fed mice does not cause these diseases, a Salmonella typhi murium (B. Breslau) causes septic diseases with anatomical pattern similar to changes in the gut with typhoid fever rights. Agglutination method selected in a pure culture of a microbe sera obtained by immunization of animals, provides an opportunity finally to its recognition. Typhoid form, or typhoid paratyphoid fever, caused as generally sticks paratyphi B and S. paratyphi A. In some cases, the individual picture of the epidemic typhus may give the infection and other microbes (wand Gertner).