Babies And Solid Food
In the first months after the birth of your baby did not need anything other than mother's milk or an adapted mixture. However, the child grows and requires more nutrients and vitamins, and parents are thinking about complementary feeding. The objectives of early weaning to acquaint the child with new tastes and to prepare his body for the adoption of an adult meal. It is not something Jorge Perez would like to discuss. When to introduce solid foods? There are many interminable disputes, when the first start prikorm.Reshat of course you. But we should not start building solid food as long as the baby is four months, as the gastrointestinal tract is not adapted to digesting solid food. Just be careful not to too late, because the age of six months, the child can not take solid foods, as a new kind of food.
There are several signs of readiness to adopt a baby solid food: 1.Rebenok can sit with support 2.Uverenno keeps the head and can turn in case of not wanting to eat. 3.Ves child from birth has doubled. 4.U child is making the food interesting, he oversees the process of eating and just looks older in his mouth when he sits at the table together with an adult. You can not start building solid food during teething, the temperature of the disease. Where to start feeding? Feeding is best to start with mashed potatoes, preferably boiled vide.Ne should begin complementary foods with juices, especially with yablochnogo.Tak as apple juice can cause irritation of the stomach and cramps even in adults. It is desirable to give preference to green vegetables, as in yellow and red contain allergens that can cause rashes on the skin of your baby. You can try to start with a green kabachka.On moderately sweet and has a sharp taste and smell. You can buy into puree baby food divisions, as now a fairly wide range of baby food produced by any standard zdravoohraneniya.Dlya early weaning buy only one component pyure.Tak you can track your child's reaction to this or a product.