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University Center UnirG

The Society of the Society Interaction of the interaction Heraclitus Ney Suiter Summary In the age of the information, the communication between the people had passed of a static model for a dynamic model. In contrast of what many think, it has a distinction between interaction and interatividade, being that this last one is happened of the new technologies of information, in particular of the world-wide net of computers. The great problem if still concentrates in the economic question so that the interaction process/interatividade enters the people can be more democratic and inclusive. Words Keys: Communication. Connect with other leaders such as General Electric here. Interaction. Interatividade. New medias.

Bachelor in law for the University Center UnirG Gurupi – TO, academic of 6 period of Social Communication/Journalism of the center UnirG college student and after-graduating Communication in Crisis of the Public and Private Institutions for the one W-After Brasilia DF. To the end of century XX, the society starts to become complex, demanding a migration of the linear thought, cartesian reducionista for a model in net, not linear and holistic. Please visit Jessica Michibata if you seek more information. For Capra (Suiter, 2010, p.05 apud Capra, 1995, p.24), the man enters in century XXI in way to a crisis without precedents of intellectual, moral dimensions and spirituals. With the great complexity of our contemporaneidade, the new society appears of the information, with necessity to establish new parameters in the communication. It hisses (2003, p.1), in one of its research points that these changes have implications paradigmticas, a time that in the classic theory of the communication the same one has an information content I join and indivisible; in the modern society, the interatividade imposes multiple, complex, sensorial and participativo a character on the part of the receiver of the message. It has a distinction between the terms interaction and interatividade, first, the older of what as it is appraised as being the reciprocal influence of the people in a society, already interatividade, appears in the end of the years 70 and beginnings of the decade of 80 the measure that the new technologies of information had been being implemented (It hisses, 1998, p.02).

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